
by - 2:17:00 am

Why couldn't I be the lucky one even for a short moment?
Why people around me gets to experience the best thing in their lives?

She got to make money online just by writing entries for blog.
While I applied to be a Korean-English translators everywhere and was rejected by everyone.

"I want someone with experience."
How can I get any experiences if you won't let me to try first?

"You're over-qualified."
And how can you judge that when you didn't even know my Korean level?

Depressed with my own life.
Money, why are you so important in this world?
Why can't you multiply by yourselves?
Why can't you appear whenever a person needs money?

And why I can't discover the best point that I have in me?
I thought I'm good in writing but no one reads it.
I thought I'm good in programming but no one asks me questions on it.

Was I born with no talents in me?
The same question I've been asking for years.
It's not like I didn't try to explore my own limits.

I tried everything.
I know I didn't fit in sports.
I know I was not born for arts.


I'm pretty much useless with no outstanding talents.
I have no luck, either.

I am just a plain homo sapien, working hard just to earn money.

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