Hello :)
So these few days I've been in a serious fever called... yeah hedgehog's fever. It started with a friend messaged me about her boyfriend bought a pair of hedgehogs for her birthday in which, she gets the female ones and her boyfriend will keep the male hedgie.
Coincidentally, Ina was tweeting that she wanted to buy a hedgie and this makes me crave to have one as pet as well. I never had a pet before (the fishes at my home are mom's, kot) so yeah I'm highly excited to own this hedgehog!
At first I wanted an apricot breed but Ina said it's one of the rare breeds so it'll be a bit pricey to own one, so I asked about the cinnamon breed and it's quite affordable for a student like me :D Hedgehog is so cute, okay, and I think most of those people who has hedgie as pets chose the albino ones because they are... cute? I don't know. Their red eyes is quite disturbing to me o.o
Cinnamon breed! |
I told mom about this and she just said okay and I still can't believe that she gave me a green light to pet such exotic pet eeeep I am happy yayyyy---
Still counting the days for me to meet mine and I hope it will be a male because I have epic ((anime)) names for it :3 Come to mama baby~