
by - 12:11:00 am

I couldn't believe that I've totally abandoned this blog for over a year.

I'm sorry... I've always thought blogging is one of many ways for me to express myself. I realized I've grown more timid as I grew older; at one point I hated blogging. Gone were the days when I was a young teenage who would wrote abundant amount of posts in her blog, expressing her days in words.

You know, it's 2017 and I...

I've grown into a failure, I suppose? When other friends are losing weight, spending money on cosmetics, I grew fatter, I spend money on fast foods. I was a fool to think that I'd be able to cook healthy foods if I lived alone. I apparently live alone now, and it gets too annoying to cook when you're home alone that you find yourself ordering fast foods. It is fast food for a reason... no?

Some of my friends have stopped drooling over celebrities and here I am.

I am still the same.

Actually, I like the fact that I am still the same. I do this to continuously use my Korean skills, and it is proven a great help to me. Though I wished I could go with Chinese a little bit more... Oh wait, you guys didn't know, right? Last year, I was head over heels over a Chinese actor-cum-singer. I dropped whatever Kpop and began to indulge in everything Chinese - it felt quite weird, to be honest, as Chinese is still a foreign language to me.

I began to slowly learn, I memorized some easy characters. But I gave up in the middle of the way. Chinese is really hard to learn by yourself. And at this age, it makes it harder to digest the whole language itself. But now, probably 6 months after I abandoned my C-fandom life, I began to forget some of the characters already. I sort of regret it, but it's okay. I can re-start from the bottom, right?

Also, I feel like I've gotten addicted to travelling alone. I get lonely at times, it's undeniable but I get to gain new friends, which is a positive point to me. I grew timid, but it doesn't stop me from communicating with strangers. My previous trip to Korea (yes guys... I flew to Korea, again) I gained 3 wonderful friends whom I got to know thanks to Kpop.

I'm plotting a plan to travel to Japan and Korea by this year, I still haven't survey the tickets and all (so nervous!) but I hope everything will be smooth. I'm writing this to start being serious and stop spending on unimportant stuffs because:

- I want to buy a new camera body
- I want to travel at least one time every year
- I want to slowly buy new camera lenses as well.

Wish me luck, because I really need a new camera body. I couldn't believe the currency drop makes camera body costs more than before (crying out loud). Anyway, I got distracted by messages so all of the things I wanted to write went poof, gone... Just like that.

Here's a picture I took at the Olympic Park while waiting to get in for SF9 Showcase back in February 6th.

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